Improve Access to Justice via ODR

Matterhorn online dispute resolution improves access, efficiency, fairness, and customer satisfaction.

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Matterhorn online justice platform is trusted by over 150 courts, mediation centers, lawyers, bar associations, and municipalities in over 20 states and used to resolve many case types.

24/7 Service Without 24/7 Staff

With Matterhorn, you provide access to travelers, students, workers, the military, or anyone who cannot attend in-person.

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MI-Resolve in Michigan Justice for All Report

The Michigan Supreme Court’s Justice for All Task Force released its Strategic Plan and Inventory Report. The Task Force report contains an inventory of Michigan’s civil justice system and prioritized next steps to ensure access to justice for all. Michigan’s MI-Resolve online dispute resolution system was mentioned as a milestone and an opportunity in the report.

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About Matterhorn

Courts, mediation centers, lawyers, municipalities, bar associations and and government agencies use Matterhorn online justice platform.

Matterhorn online dispute resolution (ODR) offers several key benefits including: increased access to justice, fairness, greater efficiency for staff, faster payments, and high customer satisfaction.

Matterhorn serves small to large districts, urban to rural communities, and decentralized to unified systems. The platform can match or streamline on your existing process and connects in a lightweight way with your other systems.

Matterhorn enables you to address a wide variety of case types including civil cases (such as small claims cases), pre- and post-decree family and domestic casestraffic tickets, civil infractions, and lesser misdemeanors (“Class C” Misdemeanors in some states), resolve warrants and pleas, and assess ability to pay.